comic theater:
Comedy in prose and verse in three acts by Carlo Goldoni. Composed probably in the Lent of 1750, was staged in Milan in the summer of 1750 and published in Venice in 1751.
Comedy in prose and verse in three acts by Carlo Goldoni. Composed probably in the Lent of 1750, was staged in Milan in the summer of 1750 and published in Venice in 1751.
empty theater, the actor-manager Horace expects other members of the company to begin testing of the third act of the farce son's father's rival, who, though not a comedy of character, it is Goldoni of that which has completely changed the theater of the time horizon. The company argued for the reform Goldoni, as the actors who hold the roles of masks (Columbine, Brighella, Pantalone and Harlequin) recognize the difficulties arising from innovation, coming less improvisation.
When they hear the material brought by an amateur poet, Lelio, comedians include any benefits from the reform. After rejecting a further attempt to trim Lelio comedians, comedy, according to the author "character" is awarded to the poet to try to play the role of a second love. Eleanor also a "virtuoso music will be offered the opportunity to work as an actress. The two new couplings provide the company the staff needed to address the text of the play's character e. ........
A theater company comes together to evidence of a show in Venice. The producer and the Manager has courage to stage a series of shows written in a new form ... the theater will become more connected to life and the characters are played by actors who should play the truth. It is a great revolution: the reform of Goldoni.
airline's part in the roles of Comedy Pantalone, Columbine, Harlequin, Brighella, masks in commedia dell'arte.
You try arguing among the first women, prepares meals for everyone until, visit the company are two strange people, an author and hungry, a prima donna of opera buffa, also terribly hungry.
The actors will receive them with them? If the food is divided into two more people, there will be a little 'less for everyone, but all together may ward off hunger.
It 's a nice comedy theater in the theater, reminiscent of some of the lightweight comedies of Eduardo, and also the "Six Characters in Search of an Author" by Pirandello, but no tragedy.
Somehow the audience will see how he lives with a family of actors, with the fight, the ups and downs, but with the knowledge that they can not do without each other. The public can peek at the evidence of the company, and so can peek into the scene with the mask of Arlecchino and Brighella to Pantalon de Needy and the Doctor.
singing, recitation and a little 'well you dance.
A little ' all this also applies to our Theatre Company of Guitti, we also like Comedy Goldoni, we have our family and we play in our little opera house as a new and true. We too are confronted with the art of the great writers of the past and present (we have already dealt with Marivaux Shakespeare, Pinter, Shepard, Lorca, Plautus, Moliere), we also get involved in live ups and downs.
Our aspiration? To entertain those who come to see us, and at the same time create a moment of reflection about man and the world, although in this case through the lightness of this beautiful play. We get our players to make the mirrors that reflect the man, so that the viewer can take advantage of and enjoyment together.
Andrea Nicolini
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