Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Auto Mechanics Lisence

painting .... sweet dreams with the sheep of Renee Mullins

I'm back after so long, dear friends and friends blogghine,
for me December is a period in which the work absorbs me completely, and Tenpo that I can dedicate to my favorite hobby is very little. I hope so much you have spent a peaceful Christmas and that your New Year was initiated under a lucky star. Do you remember the details from a pattern of Renee Mullins, posted some time ago? Well my project is finally finished .......... started from here.

time ago on a trip to Umbria Deruta
I had purchased through this rough basis for make a lamp.
So I thought that Renee would have ensured that the sheep tender sweet lullabies to the little Matthew.
What do you think??

small detail ...
I'm not a great photographer, but I assure you that live is beautiful, a mega thanks to Mark as always helps me in the most difficult, such as the purchase and installation of all electrical components.

More particularly, I hope he will forgive me if I have the great Renee its own pattern ...... I still hope that you enjoyed my project and can be used as an idea for your future projects.
Now I greet you, waiting for your comments as always will give me joy!
soon and as always Happy painting !!!!! Lu ♥


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