Nevada, an endless expanse of nothing between a place of departure and destination. Nothing very special that you should tackle together. Why is it better not to think about. In the brutal summer heat are going through Jackson, a couple headed for New York, the Carver, a family traveling to Lake Tahoe, and Johnny Marinville, the glory of the old beat generation that tries to recycle riding a gleaming Harley Davidson, Direct ... over the next hill. But there is no road as Highway 50 which best fits the adage: you know when we start and not when you arrive. Or if you get there. A cat stuck in a traffic sign welcomes you to desperation, the charming little town which lies on left the shadow of the mine called China Pit. And to ensure public order is Collie Entragian, the policeman XXXL which is considered the only law west of Pecos. Too bad that his sense of order and law is so personal. Too bad for those who have the misfortune to run without license plates or end up with a flat tire. But Entragian is only a small offshoot of the evil presence that has spread like a virus Desperation monstrous and has invaded the underground. The entity that dominates the bleak desert town is awesome, perhaps invincible, but, as he sensed little David Carver, equally powerful forces are called upon to fight it. In Desperation King has staged an apocalyptic battle between good and evil, between madness and revelation. His genius for suspense has never been so refined, his imagination so lively as when his characters - and readers who have the guts to follow them - are beginning to discover what the true meaning of despair.
Bel novel even if sometimes it is very soporific.
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