Friday, March 18, 2011

How To Spray Paint Artificial Flowers

Show "Black Stars" - Friday, April 1 Market Hall

The Phoenix Theatre Association is pleased to invite you to the show "Black Stars" to be held Friday, April 1st at the Market Hall Theatre dell'Archivolto at 18.
soon with the poster of the show and further updates.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Fluid Dynamics Tritton

Country Painting ....... Gingerbread Kisses ♥ ♥ Deb Richey

I'm back friends and friends
have been infected by the mania ginger ...... when I saw I could not resist. I love the pattern
Deb Richey, this gingerbread is taken from "Treasures & Thrift shop little more" a book published in collaboration with the other great American artist Terrye French.

I enjoyed very much in the paint,
; as always when I try to paints and brushes, I'm happy!!

Surely I have to learn to photograph my work for hours with some mistakes I try.

Small details .......

tender is true?

more details .........

I hope to have infected you too, this sweet "Gingerman".
look cute as always your comments soon with a new "attack" of creativity. A kiss to all
s Lu ♥ ♥ ♥

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Is It Har To Become A Ental Hygenist?

Country Lu ♥ ....... A little piece of my country .... Country

Posted by Picasa monochrome watercolor on wood.

A small corner of the historic center of the country where they are born ....... in mind and heart!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Auto Mechanics Lisence

painting .... sweet dreams with the sheep of Renee Mullins

I'm back after so long, dear friends and friends blogghine,
for me December is a period in which the work absorbs me completely, and Tenpo that I can dedicate to my favorite hobby is very little. I hope so much you have spent a peaceful Christmas and that your New Year was initiated under a lucky star. Do you remember the details from a pattern of Renee Mullins, posted some time ago? Well my project is finally finished .......... started from here.

time ago on a trip to Umbria Deruta
I had purchased through this rough basis for make a lamp.
So I thought that Renee would have ensured that the sheep tender sweet lullabies to the little Matthew.
What do you think??

small detail ...
I'm not a great photographer, but I assure you that live is beautiful, a mega thanks to Mark as always helps me in the most difficult, such as the purchase and installation of all electrical components.

More particularly, I hope he will forgive me if I have the great Renee its own pattern ...... I still hope that you enjoyed my project and can be used as an idea for your future projects.
Now I greet you, waiting for your comments as always will give me joy!
soon and as always Happy painting !!!!! Lu ♥