Friday, May 28, 2010

Severe Rash From Waxing

But no love. Tonight in a scene on stage in

I remind you that tonight at 21.00 c / o Orangery of the Faculty of Arts, in Via Balbi 4, will be staged "But love is not. Love in the time of fascism."

We also remember the evening's program:
At 19.30 pm there will be an appetizer with wine and cheese Consorzio Valle Stura with focaccia, pizza and other delicacies. At 20:30
Paul Vignola will introduce us to the atmosphere evoked by the spectacle with a short presentation entitled "Life and totalitarianism." At 21.00
will stage the show, which will end at 22.

The event is organized by the Cultural 's Razor

View event but no love on Facebook

View Event staged in Balbi on Facebook

Hd Camcorder Prosumer Light

something we identify with those who abandon us, and we return to the common power, hence our greatest sorrow. Something separates us from those who remain with us, and our common bondage to leave, hence the thinner our happiness.
Cesar Vallejo Cesar Vallejo
thought aptly summarizes the issues addressed in 'play written by Sam Shepard:
a woman victim of violence in hopes of her husband in the theater as an escape, but reality and fiction are confused by the attack and that he believes the dead. The truth is projected in a confusing game mirrors. The lack of communication of the parties to make the bottom insulation crushing the characters.
Love, hate, fear, jealousy mix creating situations to the limit of 'human understanding. A text "noir" that deals with feelings that everyone at least once in their life tried.
An insane irony tells ambiguous family relationships, says a crazy irony of our time!

After winning the award for best show of the festival "Albissola for the Theater 2009" with "La Dispute" by Marivaux, the Guitti face a text written by a contemporary author.
The work, probably never staged in Italy, is an important challenge that Guitti and directors have agreed to undertake. Acting in a state of "here and now, make the story happen, the goal has always been our theater company has sought and often achieved. The mind tricks the characters trapped in their delusions. The reactions are grotesque, rationality is absent. To love and it takes courage to face this text.
The courage to go beyond the word or gesture. The courage to look within and discover something of ourselves in each character, as they may seem crazy and unlikely. Need (mostly) an open heart and a mind free. Because this mix of the absurd and the ironic the tragedy and madness, and it's nice to face the spectacle of empty opinions or fears. And in the end take away a piece of someone else's life ... maybe not too different from ours.

Sam Shepard (1943) started his career very young dramatic, achieving brilliant successes with Rock Star, The child buried (Pulitzer Prize 1979), True West. The 'ultimate test, Late Henry Moss, dates back to 2002. Celebrate his evidence as an actor (The Report pelicans, Snow Falling on Cedars, Black Hawk Dawn), and as a screenwriter (Zabriskie Point, Paris, Texas, do not knock on my door).

Monday, May 24, 2010

What Tastes Bad To Rabbits

Festival oasis of hilly park! A Football

Sunday, June 16 was held on the feast of Park Hill, with heartfelt audience participation, particularly of children in the sunny afternoon on the lawn of the castle have unleashed their joy, guided by volunteers who conducted the workshops.
A beautiful day to discover our region and promote the care and appreciate the beauty.
our stand with our new little friends we made a woodpecker and a caterpillar of paper, to let them know and love this beautiful tradition of St Columba, which we are sure will continue over time with enthusiasm, even against the many problems that each they recur on time.
The hope of our commitment is to leave these children the opportunity to give rein to their imagination, creating a wagon, which is not only a work of art, but above all an opportunity: to grow together, to find new friends and know from nothing, creating something real, to learn to share with others the commitment to have fun and entertain.
unique opportunity in its spontaneity and excitement each year to marvel at the best of our Festival Village.
After a day we remember the awarding of the contestants Green Woodpecker:
- 1st prize in Class 2A Primary School St. Columban;
- 2nd prize in Class 1A Primary School 2 ^ can Miradolo;
- 3rd prize of equal merit Classes 1B and 3B of the primary school of 2 ^ can Miradolo.
the next guys!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What Happens If Repossess My Atv?

4 Balbi Balbi 4!

Here is the poster of "on stage at Balbi - evenings of theater in the courtyard "organized by the association's Razor.

remember the show on stage Friday, May 28, 2010.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Touching Boobs In School

for Summer 2010! Subscriptions

Registration is open to the traditional summer tournament Evening St. John Bosco Oratory of St. Columban al Lambro

"A kick for Summer 2010!"

Monday, May 10, 2010

Price Of Jet Sky In Miami

Friday, May 28 "But love is not" on Saturday, April 24

Friday, May 28 at 21.oo at the orange grove in the Faculty of Arts via Balbi 4, The Phoenix Theatre Association will perform in the reply of "But love is not. Love in the time of fascism. "

Saturday, May 8, 2010

When The Pregnancy Test Has A Light

Challenge Lies Theatrical


For an actor or a company to try pure improvisation in front of an audience is often equivalent to the risk of exposure to public ridicule and playing career and reputation. And even the most consumed animal stage deals with this kind of challenge subject.
In recent years the evenings of improvisation theater are still become the rage, so that - paradoxically - to improvise and little left. Having to cope with the demands of show business and the public, organize broadly show prepared with a light dusting of unexpected. Al Sacco
Theatre, however, we're brave (or crazy) and we have created a formula that throws two teams of players in the arena, causing them to challenge themselves in a real Challenge Theatre, free from shame and from any conditioning.
alertness, tricks of the trade, intuition, spontaneous creativity: these are the only weapons they have to face a series of duels and try to win and convince. The public
the arduous task of deciding who are the bravest.

BAG BAG A special thanks to the Association, which organized and produced this event to perform Guitti allowing the putting into play in the splendid Teatro Sack of Savona.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fondant Recipes That Taste Good Fondant Recipe?

parade 2010

Registration is now open to competition Allegorical Floats 2010!

Regulation and registration are available in the download, or alternatively from about 21:00 on Thursday evening at our office as a Recipe for pickup / delivery and more explanations.

you there!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Propellerhead Record Authorization C

Casale sells ... our cars!

The ProLoco Casalpusterlengo auctioned our cars! There are all

: gears of Scrausi, ants of VIP's and Ciccio Enotrafficanti gnomes of the 2009 edition, the horses and the clown of Vip's 2008 and, believe it or not, the cupid of Maenads of 2005!

wading here to 26 minutes to believe it ...