The magic of Carnival! Waiting One hundred and five is the number of people, including children, youth and families who participated in the trip to the Carnival of Viareggio Sunday, February 7, organized by the Group and wagons Alelgorici Oratorio San Giovanni Bosco. A pleasant day in the magic of Carnival, kissed by the sun shining in Versilia. Among
masks and confetti to lord it were, as always, the majestic floats, made by masters of the cardboard Viareggio, real artists recognized as professionals in the world capable of creating works of genius and rare beauty, the delight of our eyes enthusiasts.
Strolling among the wagons and following the parade on the seafront, we tried to learn their secrets, to find new inspiration for this year allegories that can sing the best poetry Banino Wine and Grape Festival to make more fun and new. Certainly
question of solutions are not always within our reach, but some, certainly achievable in miniature, could help to improve, for example the possibility of bringing some flashy moves in terms of people puppets, use material effect harmonized work Traditional papier-mache and still improve the spectacle of costumes, sets and musical performances, all integrated in our important local tradition. From a model; with humility and wonder.
The parade takes place on the nicely organized general hubbub that is the well-oiled mechanism of the famous carnival. An event where the sour taste to the power of satire and reflection on the immorality of our country are food for thought fun for everyone.
A day of artistic, but more importantly fun. Laughing, joking, having fun, telling, eating and walking together, meet new people and friends, which means we are truly a Group. Here then are the important things that really worth it to roll up our sleeves and engage in their own time.
This is the spirit of beautiful floats we have to defend, the enthusiasm that unites us to become one day soon as the singing of the Carnival Masks: "... the triumph of all ages, the true face of humanity."