Thursday, November 15 went on stage at the Theatre Street Ayroli Von Pauer of the play "La Piazzetta of the Phoenix," written and performed by our troupe.
are reminded everyone that Saturday, November 10 from 17 to 19 will take the tests for the show of November 15th! It is recommended that the presence !
Hello everyone! I remind all that the evidence for this week are moved to Saturday 27 at 15.30, due on Friday Casting 26 (hour 18).
I made an appointment with the consultant Celivo, to get some information. Daniel and I go, people who want to be 26 to 16 from Thursday Celivo Brignole (Court Lambruschini).
CASTING Acting course for free. If you are a young and talented lover of theater, Theatre Association The Phoenix awaits the Friday, October 26, 2007 at 18 hours in our office at Cycling in Via Walter Fillak Sampierdarena in Genoa. For Information: email:
or contact us directly here on the blog! YOU WAIT!
Hello everyone! It starts meetings and resumes work on new and old proposals. The first meeting This 2007/2008 season is set to Friday, October 12 at 18 in our home, away from the chassis of Walter Fillak Sampierdarena of Genoa. will be discussed: